Friday 13 April 2012

The Joy of Craft

The urge to be creative is deep within every one of us. In a world of disposable goods and everything imported from millions of miles away, available quick and cheap, creation has been replaced with consumption. As a result, we lost the joy that comes from making things with our own hands, the bliss of creating something of beauty and use.

Most of us never realize what we are missing out on! It is only when we make that first handmade card or that simple friendship bracelet, we understand the joy. The psychological benefits are immense! Making things also teaches us a whole new lifestyle – a lifestyle of less waste, of recycling instead of throwing away, a kinder, slower life.  Learning how to make your own things can even make you a fashionista on a budget – learn to make those designer accessories or clothes in your own style at a fraction of the cost! When children learn to craft, they also pick up useful life skills and develop an appreciation for beauty.  Making something on your own gives it meaning and value beyond the price tag. Handmade items make great gifts, because your gift is not just something from the store for X bucks, but a gift of time, effort and care.

To many people, handmade evokes images of sloppy, tasteless things! Not so!  Maybe some of your first efforts will not be that great, but there are some truly beautiful and exquisite things out there you can make, with time and a little effort.

Just like me, today many are rediscovering the world of craft. The joy of indulging that creative part of mind simply has to be experienced!

So welcome to the world of craft! On this blog, I am planning some simple handmades. I mostly expect to use materials we find around the house to make things. I will be sharing them as easy how tos or tutorials that I hope everyone can follow. Hope you will join me in making things!